Guy: *hands me sheet of paper* What does this code do?
Me: *looks through code written on the paper* Well, most likely segfault.

*awkward silence*

  • 7
    Did he know what segfault means?
  • 19
    @homo-lorens Yeah he did :)

    I think he was more irritated by my response than by the flaws in the code. They hired me directly off university and I later learned they had pretty low expectations on my software development skills. So they prepared only a basic example for me, which - not to sound too arrogant - was a joke.
  • 4
    Only “most likely” ? Is it like array access where the index is random so out of bounds sometimes but not sometimes and it segfaults ?
    Or did you perhaps mean segfault with certainty ?
    Or did you most likely mean the first one ?
  • 0
    @r20408e122449d Index could be inputed by the user, so it would most likely segfault but not always.
  • 1
    Redundant. When you say most likely, it already implies not always because if it didn’t, then you might as well have said most definitely.

    Also, user input is random. If it weren’t, you wouldn’t need a user input.
  • 1
    @r20408e122449d About randomness, I didn't understand your first comment like this but it does make sense.

    About redundancy, it was on purpose to emphasize the fact that segfault wasn't definitely going to happen. Kinda like "I saw it with my own eyes". But you seem to love splitting hair.
  • 2
    @pipe Yeah. Sorry about that. 😅 Can’t help it. (OCD smiling at me from above).
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