
How to Use Delta-8 Oil Benefits to Enhance Your Health and Wellness


The Delta-8 THC and CBD oils are currently the most popular and effective of the Delta-8 family. Delta-8 has consistently demonstrated superior therapeutic results over time, with no side effects or contraindications. Delta-8 THC has been shown to act much like the marijuana plant does, but with fewer side effects and a longer list of medical credentials. Delta-8 CBD is currently the only prescription treatment approved for use with Delta-8.
Hemp extract is another derivative of cannabis, but unlike Delta-8, does not contain a psychoactive substance. This makes hemp extract and Delta-8 a natural choice for medical cannabis patients and caregivers. The combination of Delta-8, CBD, and hemp extract produces an extremely potent therapy that is fast becoming the choice of medical professionals and patients all over the world. Here is a brief run down of each of the Delta-8 oils, CBD and hemp extract.
Delta-8 oil is derived from cannabis and contains a full spectrum of Cannabidiol (CBD). The major ingredient in Delta-8 oil is THC, which is believed by some to mimic the successful marijuana experience without the risk of a trip to jail. Currently, Delta-8 is available in three different forms, including spray, oral spray, and inhaler. It is important to note that the inhaler is the least effective form, as only the marijuana smoke is inhaled, rather than the oils' intended target, the brain. Also, because Delta-8 needs to be used twice daily to achieve its full therapeutic effect, it is often considered a less than ideal treatment option by medical practitioners.
Hemp extract is derived from the cannabis plant but does not contain a psychoactive component. Industrial hemp is used for numerous other purposes, including food, fuel, and medicine, making it a unique product in comparison to Delta-8 oil. Hemp is similar to Delta-8 in that it needs to be used twice daily to produce the desired therapeutic effects. Like Delta-8, hemp extract is currently not approved by the FDA for use as an over the counter supplement, although CBD is. In fact, some states are limiting CBD advertising while encouraging patients to use Delta-8 oil instead.
CBD is a non-psychoactive component of the cannabis plant, so it has the most similar healing qualities to the Delta-8 oil. Like Delta-8 oil, CBD is not known to interfere with intercourse or cause adverse side effects. However, as with Delta-8 oil, there is currently not enough evidence to suggest CBD will be an effective treatment option for chronic pain. For this reason, if you suffer from pain, you may want to consider another source of medicine.
The final full spectrum essential oil is Lavender. This oil comes from the flower of the same plant family as St. John's wort and is extracted through steam distillation. Like other oils, it may interact with prescription medications; however, most users do not report any interactions with pharmaceuticals. Lavender is often used to relieve depression, restlessness, and irritability. A simple vaporizer or massage using Lavender can bring soothing relief to your ailments.

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