Sometimes I like to click on ads that I hate just to cost them money

  • 11
    Add them to a list and automate it. :)
  • 11
    This is evil, I like it.
  • 4
    @Root Browser extension... Could perhaps do it in the background... Draining bandwidth, yay
  • 18
    @Root Get the AdNauseam extension (uBlock Origin fork) and you'll auto-click every single banner in the background. ;)
  • 4
    @PrivateGER Ooh, I like.
  • 4
    Conversely, I sometimes click ads in sites that I like to make them win money
  • 4
    Few cents, yes, Unless there is an actual conversion, they aren't in any huge loss, doing this a lot will reduce your rate and their losses will be even less.
  • 1
    @theabbie UNLESS the devRant community unifies against these ads by creating a browser plugin to do it en masse
  • 3
    @eo2875 That will be detected easily by Google and it will mark you as a bot, you will still see ads, in worst case, you might get the website publisher suspended for malpractice, which is the most disgusting thing anyone can do.
  • 5
    My website was flagged and banned from showing Google ads because of friendly people clicking ads there. That happened like 10 years ago. I tried applying for showing ads again few years ago, and was still denied. All because helpful people, who accumulated maybe half an euro for my account.

    So, do that to those who you hate instead, it can really mess one up.
  • 1

    this ^

    I've been using AdNauseum for like 2 years now. It works great and on top it gives you a little estimate of how much money you cost too!
  • 0
    Thought I was the only one!!! Perhaps a userscript can help out
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