Some people, when confronted with a problem, think “I know, I’ll use regular expressions!”
…and now they have two problems. 🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️

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    Sometimes, but I'll run shitty data through regex before I deal with it manually any day.
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    This is an incredibly old meme. And I still think it was written by someone who just doesn't understand regex.
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    @Hazarth What is there to understand? Single character instructions, no whitespace, no comments. Regex is a less readable programming language than ASM and the reason is that it's a mathematical concept that should've been converted into a usable tool before it's used for anything.
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    @homo-lorens It's not really a language, It's a loose convention of tokens that are translated into a finite state machine

    I for one really enjoy how compact it is, if it was any more verbose it would require It's own file format! This way it can be inlined nicely and writting it takes seconds not to mention it can be used incredibly easily even in a terminal shell, which is *so* useful. I wouldn't want to write several lines of code just to do the same thing as identifying all url links and spitting them into domains, paths and arguments which I can then work with later. It's perfect as it is

    That being said, there might be space for a similar more verbose and powerful tool here and there but eh
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    @Hazarth It's great for splitting all urls into domains and paths ONCE. Its compactness and the fact that it isn't in separate files despite how complex it is are both reasons to never use it in anything that you or others may want to read.
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    @homo-lorens we'll have to agree to disagree
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