So this is my conversation with my friend today, I feel so dumb.

*out of curiosity, after seeing his PC application*
me: Hey bro what make the GUI so simple what you use?

friend: theek hai.

me: Seriously bhai, what you use?

friend: I just told you ! I said theek hai!

me: *confused and thinking,*, what library for which language ?

friend: python bro.

me: *finally realise* you mean TK? omg..

friend: that's I was saying bro.

well i messed up hindi and english what is wrong with me?

  • 1
    When I'm really angry I'll start swearing in many languages.

    A mixture of Klingon, French, German and some other languages...

    I feel ya.

    (Yeah. This happens in my head, too...)
  • 0
    @IntrusionCM yea, sometimes I feel my brain might be running an is like Windows NT or something.
  • 1
    My teacher saying lavarel =_=
  • 1
    @jak645 Lmfao 🤣
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