I may have come up with the next big thing in entertainment!

You can watch a live feed of me, while I'm watching a live feed of someone playing a video game.

Here's a sneak peak:
I'm sitting there looking incredibly bored and every 30-45 seconds I make a comment about how stupid this is.

  • 0
    This sounds exactly like what Cartman from South Park did. lol. Actually he did at one point!
  • 1
    @Trey50Daniel Ha! Now I'm wondering if I actually came up with that on my own, or saw it on South Park, forgot about it, and then plagiarized it.
  • 2
    You are one of the great visionaries of our time.
  • 1
    @jasonobrown Lol I see some stuff, forget it, and then start to make a a game like, "It'd be awesome if we did this!", and then realize that I ripped the idea from another game from a while back. lol
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