
Which course should I prefer for new starting? I am completely new to this field. Should I prefer C language for starting or I should start with Python???
Plss answer

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    People might disagree with this but I say python bc of its readability and easy so u can learn the fundamentals. Then u can try to move to C or other languages
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    Personally I would start with C. Can be a rougher start but the thing is, when things start making sense they really start making sense. It's kind of top-down (python) vs bottom-up (C*) learning.

    (Yah, not quite 'lets design a cirquit from scrach', but a exellent compromise between fundamentals and getting to the point in reasonable time)
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    What sort of things would you like to be able to build? Software is a HUGE field and no one person is awesome at everything. What you want to do will impact what you need to learn.

    That said, being a lower level language than Python, learning c will force you to learn a lot of low level concepts (eg. memory management) right off the bat, whereas Python allows you to do some simple things without learning all the “hard” stuff all at once. You’ll still have to go back and learn how things work at a low level if you want to write performant code, but depending on what you want to build and which language(s) you want to build it in you can defer that stuff a little longer.

    There are also things that C will not teach you that will become important later, like object oriented design principles. I’d be happy to help you get started (as I’m sure many in this community would) but it’s hard to give a definitive answer without knowing more about what you want.
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    @demoralizeddev realizing that being a beginner you might not be familiar with “low level” vs. “high level”.

    Low level languages are the building blocks for higher level languages. Going up adds layers of abstraction, so more gets taken care of for you. Python is written in C++, to provide extra features that C++ doesn’t (like garbage collection). C++ is a super-set of C, adding features like strings and many useful data structure implementations via the C++ Standard Template Library. C is compiled to assembly, which lacks the concept of even simple operations such as loops (although you can achieve the same result with conditional jumps). Assembly ultimately gets compiled into processor instructions and linked into an operating system/architecture dependent file.

    Choosing a higher level language over a lower level one means more low level stuff is taken care of for you, but there are probably more bells and whistles to learn.
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    I took a course of python first and then C. I think that was a good order to start.
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    Doesn't matter.

    Just start coding.

    All languages have loops and if statements. And that's basiclly ALL you need to learn.

    Hell, even GWBasic will do for learning.
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    @NoToJavaScript what are your thoughts and feelings on JavaScript?
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    Find some kind of programming fundamentals course, regardless of language. A lot of concepts can be applied to many programming languages and once you have the basics down you can worry about learning language-specific stuff.
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