
So after hating on Windows toda y I learned it now has bash, WTF.
And it is basically debian.

So.. what do we think about it?

  • 3
    Windows as a OS in all it offers is a good OS, the dev's behind the main idea are good, the company and the bigwigs that is another matter, The OS is more of a pirate then any pirate user.

    If you was using windows offline so it can't get updates and you had all the needed drivers then you would have one epic OS but sadly the spyware and its owners make it evil, but evil what does offer you something nice on the top I don't HATE windows I hate what Microsoft are doing to windows tho.
  • 0
    I just hate it for the lolz, but really just because ir is easir to setup your env in Ubuntu.. but now windows has bach and can setup my env just as in ubuntu.. so... I don't know.. I am confused.

    I do use windows, for audio production and games, but never for dev.
  • 5
    I dunno, for me it is the best of both worlds. I have the familiarity of Windows with the power of bash.

    It's one of my favorite and most useful features in W10.
  • 0
    @stryter so does everything work fine on it? You know, pho, ruby, apache, maybe passenger and nginx?
  • 1
    @mundo03 I tried ruby and nginx, don't know if others are fine, too.
  • 5
    @mundo03 I haven't run into any glaring compatibility issues yet. I mainly use it for the basics like curl, SSH, wget, etc. I have run a tomcat-embedded spring boot jar in it with no problems.

    Overall, it has handled everything I've wanted it to do. Pretty impressed by it.
  • 2
    I use Ubuntu on Windows as my laptops development environment now. I run node and Apache through it so its more like the environment it will actually run on in production.
    Because its Ubuntu userspace on the Windows kernel, most things run on it, sharing the same NT network stack, so I can run mysql on Windows, and Apache on Ubuntu, binding onto each other through localhost addresses.

    I really like it as a development feature.
  • 1
    Bash on Windows through the Windows Linux subsystem is not bound to Ubuntu but ships it by default.

    Just a heads up, other distros, opensuse for instance have a project for running it opensuse instead of Ubuntu :)

    Incase you feel like trying it out, it might be worth checking if your fav distro rolls a wsl project :)
  • 1
    I tried it and removed it. It feels like a weird hack, much rougher than Cygwin ever was, and ultimately why would you want to bolt on a Caterpillar motor to a Toyota Camry?
  • 1
    @tachoknight companies that enforce their developers to use Windows aren't unheard of...

    For those poor souls, I think it's a saving grace
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