
Ah.... Just saw a message in team chat that we had a prod issue caused by the use of a hack/duct tape solution...

Dev just replied "as a fix I will do it the right way"

Me thinking: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I told you so... Now you learned it the hard way

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    Is he applying a live fix or submitting it through dev ?
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    Kind of seems sometimes you have to tape shit together to avoid huge downtime
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    @MadMadMadMrMim taking shortcuts in releasing a new feature... So that's dev?
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    When your rollout is behind and needs to run it is proper to rollback and delay the release but customers don’t always understand that so sometimes you have to patchwork someone else’s or your own mistake and submit the best fix through the sdlc

    It’s not proper but sometimes has to be done.
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    @donuts an example might be a data transformation that didn’t make it into the code as long as their is a backup of the prod database running some very carefully thought out queries to update existing records if it’s nothing massive and perhaps retaining the old fields and risking a slight bloat is worth it for example, the original rant doesn’t offer much context
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    @MadMadMadMrMim I don't know the specifics but it has something to some migration, decom old server, we had and well and I remember telling ppl that they should do it the right way but they used the hacky quick and dirty one because it's easier...

    So yes maybe could say was a deadline but well knew it was coming or at least my boss did but didn't say anything until it became urgent...
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    @donuts kind of sounds like someone on the team making a snarky comment to shine at someone else’s expense which yeah among the team members is ok but kind of a duck move if management can see the comment
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