Doublew doublew doublew😂

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    въй въй въй
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    @kamen confused unga bunga
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    how about “triple w” ?
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    @qqdenz haha.. yeah triplew sounds good
  • 6
    here it's faster to say www than "world wide web", cause we only say "vvv" instead of "doubleu doubleu doubleu".

    since you're typing it into a browser, in that context, everyone knows that if you say "V" it means "W" in the address bar.

    I'm sure there's plenty of languages and countries where that simplification is done.
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    wee wee wee
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    Try Trip dubs
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    @theabbie holy shit is that why it’s called w3 schools? 🤯
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    i can relate soooo much
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    ዎርልድ ዋይድ ዌብ (world wide web)

    ደብሊዉ ደብሊዉ ደብሊዉ(www)

    this is the direct translation of the sounds you make in to Geez alphabet....its not a translation
    Geez represents individual sounds in to single symbols
    7*32 =224.....total letters.....so it really is longer to say www but not when writing it in english 🤓
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