I was talking to my friend, and she told me she started learning to code,
I said it's nice, and asked what language she learns,
she said she learns the "usual" language,
I explained to her that just like natural language there is no single "usual" language.
Then she said she learns this language where the text is colorful.

  • 1
    Oh thaaat one. props for narrowing it down that well
  • 1
    I like the color language too

  • 4
    How about colorful squares?
  • 2
    Could you ask her where I can download the colorful language? All my languages are white on black and It's getting kinda frustrating to see the world through the eyes of a black&white developer.

    Im a big support of Code of Color and I frankly think Colored code is very under-represented in the IT industry. Honestly every company should include at least 50% of colored langauges, 50% of black languages and maybe 25% of white languages l...
  • 4
    It must be the Rainbow programming language. It has 33 types of boolean.
  • 1
    @Demolishun jesus christ.
    Every one know they are at least 42
  • 0
    Reminds me of a friend that, when he asked a customer what kind of computer they were looking for, the customer said "I'd like a green one".
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