Fucking configuration files man. Every repo has 10+ .config.json files now. Why hasn’t some universal scheme emerged this is ridiculous?!

  • 1
    I am reminded of that one xkcd comic about standards...

  • 0
    Right, and then there is an option in 50% of the cases to throw everything in package.json. As if it wasn't a hot mess already.
  • 2
    They should rework all these and at least make them sit in a ./config folder. It should be forbidden to throw everything into the root folder.
  • 0
    @fjrevoredo This, thankfully, some packages work well when that approach is used, others on the other hand tho...
  • 0
    A lot of packages now use package.json as a way to retrieve configuration as well right? Like eslint can be configured in esconfig or package.json right
  • 0
    But you are right it's so annoying
  • 0
    @lopu That's not new (at least for ESLint, Prettier and the like).
  • 1
    Well, nobody else seems to like YAML files combined with e.g. hiera...

    Then you get this clusterfuck of jsons everywhere.
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