Why in the fuck are they making another batmam film ????

There was how many DC comics who's storyline they never fucking made films from and they're just starting over again this time with even more shitty actors !

  • 1
    @jespersh well.. yes. actually lol
    does it not seem to anyone else like we hit a complete creative block in this country owing to the undead filth that has been being stacked up skyward for how long now ?

    I'm sitting here for example watching the same old pervert try to quietly provoke me. in reality she's just expending more of her life doing what she always did minus the cock sucking.
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    @jespersh so yes this time as last time, wondering wtf happened to my country and why other than being forceably deadened neurologically everyone seems to have become these blander dead crazy versions of themselves.
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    one word: MONEY
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    @MadMadMadMrMim is "your country" USA? if yes... my condolences. being in a false paradise is probably even worse than being in a faithful mediocrity.
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    @iiii got a plane ticket handy ? oh wait I'd need a passport first.

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    @MadMadMadMrMim you probably won't want to be where i am :D
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    @iiii where is that ? Eastern Europe ?
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    @MadMadMadMrMim bingo 🤣
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    @iiii yeah these bastards from what i understand infect the most hopeless places the quickest making everything more miserable than it needs be
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    @iiii but indeed we are living in a false paradise
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    @iiii except most of us aren’t exactly living anymore
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    @MadMadMadMrMim i don't think i understand what you mean
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    @MadMadMadMrMim depends on how you define living. though we have talked about the definition already.
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    @MadMadMadMrMim i mean, which bastards do you mean?
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    I found the boomer.
  • 1
    @iiii the ones who archechted the ruination of my country in such a way as to make it like the Olympics in nazi Germany

    Everything is much much worse than it looks and it is derived from the good being suppressed and multiple generations of damaged willfully shaped malicious sadist fucks whose appetites to cause trouble have been so enflamed they take all opportunity to cause trouble that has an explainable cause most especially to the innocenct most especially children
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    @iiii asking me to specifically name people smart enough to hide everything but their footprints and the teetering tower of human trash they left behind is asking a bit much
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    @Iii want an example of the culture they created ?

    This is very funny but he is also a pedophile
    And they very frequently act jolly because they think they’re getting away with murder and hiding sooo wel under various guises
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    @iiii meanwhile they impersonate so many hot issues while causing more trouble they undermine pretty much everything valid and their existence is holding back the USA keeping everything from getting better because chronic abusers like to cause misery and a working social system removes a tool to accomplish that
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    @iiii another example is because of their damaged mindsets and aversion to sex they often did and still hide amongst gays
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