Every recruiter voicemail.

Hi (name)

Your resume recently came across my desk and I wanted to reach out and let you know about a couple positions I'm working on. I've looked over your resume and you look like you'd be a great fit.

  • 3
    And then proceed to tell you that you need experience in X, which wasn't on your resume, meaning that they are not only wasting your time, but lying to you
  • 2
    I get this voicemail about 3 times a day. I am a 52 year old developer who refuses to work on boring enterprise apps. I really doubt I am a good fit. Do your homework.
  • 0
    It's a numbers game to these guys, call n developer, get n(y%) responses, close n(y%)(z%) roles, make $$$ from n(y%)(z%)(20%*avg annual salary)
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