
You must know each other guys, don't you?

  • 3
    /me Goes to Google "25767 tons in grams" to see if it seriously yields -2,147,438,648 grams
  • 3
    Huh. Conversion says
    2.338 × 10^10 grams

    Yet I can confirm that weird screenshot after googling the same query. WTFLOL
  • 0
    What I have found:

    For n ≥ 330,
    "How much calories are there in $n tons of butter" yields always "-2,147,483,648 calories".

    For n = 229, we get
    "2,143,895,424 calories"

    Probably because
    max_int_32 = 2,147,483,647. Duh. *Facepalm*
  • 2
    Yep. Int_max reached. Funny..
  • 0
    Devrant algo doing its magic
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