what kind of amazes me is rather than force the world to be better someone has been actively forcing the world to be worse and more empty and evil.

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    btw in the show loki, to avoid affecting anyone or anything couldn't the variant just hide in antarctica under the ground or somewhere remote where only limited range critters might interact with him ?
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    Antarctica is off limits in certain areas to all nations and has no fly zones over empty ice. Since when do ALL nations agree on anything? If I wanted to hide something I would do it there.
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    That is not amazing at all, it is expected.
    You fucking anxiety n00b bot
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    @mundo03 you're a bad man :P
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    @mundo03 so what is an anxiety bot ? :P does it generate anxiety or display anxiety ?
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    @MadMadMadMrMim in your case, both.
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    @mundo03 why thank you :P I try to tell the truth as much as possible.
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    @mundo03 so whatcha know about opencv ? I'm tired or working on the same project that will just be stolen in months to come by certain pieces of garbage.
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    @mundo03 kinda pisses me off actually.
    anyone could have figured out how to finish the project i started years ago and that these bastards keep stealing but instead they just mimic me on social networks and real life without content.
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    god the 'new' aladdin is so fucking bland and awful
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