I just told to Canada general census to put me as "Apache helicopter". On official papiers and shit !

I expect to be called in a couple of days lol, but seemed to fun to pass on this oportunity.

So if they DON'T call me back, next year in official census you'll see at least one apache helicopter lol

  • 4
    I assume you'll be in the "other" column.
  • 1
    Pics or it didn't happen.
  • 1
    It probably is only used to populate the gender percentages (fe)male and "other/unknown".
    So your data will probably just end up being ignored for most administrative and political decisionmaking because you are in a statistically insignificant group.
  • 2
    @Oktokolo but what about minority studies? Helicopters have feelings too!
  • 2
    Haha transphobia is hilarious
  • 1
    Minority studies indeed are probably the only subgroup-focused studies that will use that record. So he is just diluting the data of actual non-binary-gendered people (not that it matters, politicians don't care about minorities anyways).
  • 1
    I did got a call.
    They explained that ‘We could not process your online results, we have a shorter version of only 5 questions. Would you like to answer them “ ?

    Me : “OK”

    Them : “Ok, question 1 : Were you born as a biological male or female?”

    Me in my head : “damnit, that ruins my joke”.

    Well, other questions were just to confirm my other answers, which were good.
    So apparently, they DO read answers.
  • 0
    @kamen pics of a web page > Where just F12 is enought to put anything inside ? ;p
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