
Why is "voice mail" not commonly used in India?
It is SO much more easier to just listen to the voice notes left by people rather than having to call you back and ask them their purpose of the call. And don't tell me "you got voice messages on various messaging apps" because that won't change my mind about it

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    Even these features are available on messaging apps, but people use them rarely
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    Why would anyone use voice mail instead of writing the damn thing.
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    Why are calls still a thing, send me. Amessage , a recorded message video, a fucking email.

    And even worse
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    It's pretty simple and it has nothing to do with anxiety. Voicemail only exists because people were used to voice recording machines. Voice recorders were largely and American or European thing and it never really caught on in the developing world. We skipped directly from normal phones to cell phones so that answering machine culture and it’s derivative behavior never picked up.
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