Overcommitted at work, said yes to a demo on Friday which I didn't even create. Next week is going to be pure hell for me. I am crying shivering and want to really quit.
I have delayed a project and I was given last week as to create whatever I could and I did too. But still it's far from happening.
I really have no idea what to do.
It's Saturday night and I just want to cry cry and cry.
I want to get out of all this.

  • -1
    Why do we let whamen into tech?
  • 0
    @aviophile How is that a problem?
  • 0
    @true-dev001 women are higher in neuroticism(hence more prone to get angry or anxiety) and agreeableness(not able to say no easily).
  • 0
    @aviophile yeah but with awareness of this, things can be managed.
    Although I have never heard of it so neither agreeing or disagreeing.
    Everyone have issues and those things are need to be manager if cannot be cured. It's that simple.
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