"Don't worry about the little things."

- Programmer, never.

Spent way too much time debugging and the issue was a missing exclamation mark - once again.

It's always the little things!

  • 1
    Totally know how u feel. Took me an hour yesterday to figure out why my laravel site was throwing a error. I forgot to add a semi colon at the end of a function call
  • 1
    I spent a couple of hours trying to figure out why my logic wasn't being executed.
    Mixed up < and >.
  • 0
    Maybe TDD is something to keep you from wasting your previous lifetime ;)
  • 1
    If you don't spot the little things, chances re your customer will. Even if you try to catch all of them, something's bound to make it through.
  • 0
    Logic aside I can't work anymore without Nazi linting. The ones that point out even spaces and indentation as error which alt the compilation. Yes this is how much messy I am.
  • 2
    It happens to everyone. Last Monday I spent like 30minutes wondering why my CSS class didn't work only to find out that I wrote clas instead of class
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