I've always wondered why Devs who are using windows seem to be allergic to any command line.
I've seen people install xrdp on Linux machines so they can remote desktop onto them, just to open up a terminal window.

But I think I now understand why.
Terminals on windows just suck.
And I'm not talking about CMD and powershell, I mean the terminal emulators.
The windows one is just awful, and even PuTTY is just annoying to use.

Yes it gets the job done but why do I have to click 4 times in some UI settings to change the font size? Just give me a zoom hotkey what the hell?
And the default colour scheme of putty always makes me want to shoot myself.

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    Putty for ssh works just fine and does not suck as much as CMD does
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    If you wanna some fancy shit with hotkeys and stuff: Windows Terminal iz da wae
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    Windows terminal is kinda THICC
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    I don't care for the windows terminal

    A tool that comes 10 years late that's not even installed by default
    I stick to Linux, and if I have to SSH on windows I'll use the terminal git brings with bash

    Putty is an abomination before God
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    Windows Terminal is awesome. I like it more than any Linux terminal emulator I've tried just because of the way it looks (with the blurry background and everything).

    Aside from that, I find myself using a lot of ported Linux CLI tools on Windows. Cmder + clink (chrisant996's fork of it) + oh-my-posh and things look (and function) A LOT better than bare CMD or even Powershell. On Linux I use zsh + oh-my-posh, so prompt themes become interchangeable.
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    @kamen the blurry background convinced you? Really?
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    @inawhile once you get comfortable and have your own little setup within a Unix shell you never want to trade back to windows
    But that's more shell specific, I was ranting about the terminal emulators themselves

    I had to work with putty earlier and I was just unable to use vim because the colour scheme made 1/3 of the file unreadable
    Who puts dark blue text in a small font on a black background
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    @LotsOfCaffeine or you could go even further: use appropriate GUI tools
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    @iiii why bother with often bloated GUI tools when I can do the job just as easily, or even easier, inside a terminal?

    Editing a config file on a remote system shouldn't be complicated
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    Why not using Cygwin?
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    @iiii haha. nope!
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    @brown why not?
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    @iiii gui replacemets for cli tools are often just extra steps with less control and slower. also who would want to open up five different windows for working on a server when i can just type five commands.
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    @LotsOfCaffeine That's one of the things, yeah.
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    Windows Terminal is awesome because you can have it open into Ubuntu and skip all the painful pretending with Windows ports of POSIX programs that aren't properly tested and optimized.
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    WTF is windows terminal? Theres CMD and PowerShell i know of so far.
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    Terminals on Windows have been historically trash, and the userbase haven't been really into pushing for better ones until recent times.
    But as a Linux user who uses Windows at work, I can see that the terminals improved (notably Windows Terminal, WSL).
    Mind you; those still have a long way to go.
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    @Berkmann18 is there a new terminal with the WSL

    again, I've said it in the thread before
    I'm talking about the TERMINAL EMULATORS (the window that you see), not the Shell you use.

    The windows shells (CMD, powershell) are very much inferior to the Unix shell I think, but this rant is specific to the terminals.
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    @LotsOfCaffeine There's WSL 2 which is a little better (IIRC) than v1, but at least it integrates well with Windows Terminals which makes it _a lot_ easier to work with several terminals.
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