wonder if all those years ago they realized what I meant by android when I called them an android and i wonder why the hell one of the copies of my dad talked about 'all those years ago'

maybe its to reinforce the idea that if I go crazy they can't get persecute me for not being a fucked up asshole like they are.

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    Stfu already
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    @aviophile i think you just like telling people to stfu :P

    you know there is a chick I know who needs to stfu with a big fat cock in her mouth

    you probably have the same problem.
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    I.. Someone to explain this ?
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    @Lyniven I called someone an Android years ago and then recently I called them an Android again when they lied
    About the previous rant happening because they’re garbage like half the rest of this country and repeating everything or a younger version is or they became a bot

    Say something if you’re still alive as well
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