Me: Brooo, We did it last night!
Friend : Which base did you get to?
Me : Hbase
Friend: Ha, doope!

  • 3
    @dfox i heard you give out free stuff to new stressed out people. (,:/)
  • 5
    @teganburns https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/... . Always there to help the lost ones ;)
  • 1
    @chit reading:

    Ooh modeled after Bigtable, nice.

    Written in *Java*, it ain't my type.
  • 3
    Knowing what it means to set up a hbase cluster, highest of fives !

    @flag0 the hbase shell is a ruby shell if it please you more :p anyway, you generally don't use HBase because you want to but because you need to (LinkedIn, Facebook and Netflix use it iirc)
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