When your college gets a gitlab server and a dozen or so people who know what it is are excited, but you're the only one who knows about the crisis that happened with gitlab, so have to just stand and stare as they tell everyone how gitlab is secure and risk free.

  • 4
    Gitlab server is secure & risk-free & also awesome.

    There, I said it!
  • 6
    It still is , the thing that happened was human error not a technical one
  • 2
    It is secure and risk free except of your colleague accidentally gonna delete databases too.
  • 3
    An incredibly stressed and tired member of their devops deleted the raw database data on their primary server thinking he was on the backup server.

    We've all made mistakes of some magnitude, but this didn't affect self installs and was not a result of poor software design or a security issue.

    Gitlab is safe, and it's awesome.
  • 0
    And still github is better..
  • 4
    You realize, that self hosted gitlab, as your university has, wheren't affected, right?
  • 3
    You are stupid. They host it theirselves, so it's safe unless there'e a human doing weird shit. The crisis occured because a human had a bug, not a machine/program.
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