The introverted and silent people can be heard in chats in video calls (zoom), can be heard in slack chats. But from my experience, it looks like the majority is yet to consider that as important. Text communication may not be perfect because it's hard to capture a lot in text, like emotions, tone, maybe some might be able to capture them if not all. But text is still something, rather than nothing, but I usually see people listen more to spoken words than care about texts. Not to mention the craziness of parallel conversations in text chat during video calls where video call has one conversation going on while text chat has a totally unrelated conversation going at some point. One could say - maybe parallel conversations in text chats are a hindrance to people trying to communicate over text rather than speak up through voice / audio

  • 0
    It might be easier for introverts to talk in a call (video is unnecessary) than irl. I think that's partially because it's harder for the loud people to accidentally talk over them.
  • 0
    Speech is full of nuances and its usage is overrated in most cases.
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