Having a dilemma... I need help with my gaming projects. I know a guy who I could train since he has lots of potential but Im having trust issues. Its because I invested around 10k into my codebase and Im afraid to give access to that guy since I suspect that he might use files and some day run away to make his own project. So im back to square 1 again which is loosing my mind with this huge workload. What should I do? Should I just say fuck it ant make him sign some air tight NDA agreement? Even then he could stand up and leave 2 months in and open a competitor project if he doesnt like my management style...

  • 2
    If you need someone so badly, why don't you consider bringing in a partner that gets a stake of the success if all goes well? Obviously not 50/50 from day 1, but give them some incentive to have the passion to complete instead of stealing the idea.

    Option 2: air tight contract and be prepared to go to court if needed.

    PS: reconsider this person as long as it's not just your paranoia making you believe he might screw you. At least start off with someone you feel like you can trust.
  • 7
    Open source it. Then no one is running away with your code.
  • 0
    @electrineer you are fucked in the head
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