What the fuck?

Some one created this language for programming? Really?


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    And there’s “1C programming language” that can be written in Russian or English
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    Read the readme. Actually seems to be a "protest language" of sorts. Seems to resemble alibaba managers speaking with their employees.

    If those employees convince them to use this language, that would be hilarious.

    Seems to be like if you had "shittalk lang":
    inspirational money investment(money a, money b) {
    report a + b;

    Such a language would be even better than brainfuck or emoji lang.
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    @deliwa сексуально
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    This example could have just been C with a bunch of macros to replace the keywords.
  • 3
    Totally a Latin centric view but I think the world should conform to the Latin alphabet. Pronounce it however you want or use bonus letters. There are some seriously snowflaked written languages out there that seem bad for computers.

    Like imagine how bad it would suck for computers to use Aztec where it is all pictographic multi color alphabet.

    With glyphs and pictographs some popularly used modern languages seem part way there.
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    Can't understand the sarcasm. Probably should ask my friend at Alibaba whether those reserved words ring a bell.
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    Wellp there goes common interchange in science
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    That shit is not even intelligible to people working at Alibaba. It seems managers there invented a bunch words that no one can understand and they use those words in meetings.
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    @irene I would really like to try to code in this one XD
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    @blindXfish You can always start in emoji and move to Aztec later.
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