
Screw you bash 🤡

  • 2
    How does elixir work for scripting? Never tried using it for that
  • 1
    @matt-jd You can write your code normally within a file with the .exs extension. You can even add a shebang so that you can execute the file directly.

    The only thing you couldn't do was use dependencies, which was addressed in elixir 1.12, where they introduced the `Mix.install/2` function. With that you just list your dependencies at the start of your file and can use them within the script.
  • 1
    @matt-jd quite nice actually.
  • 1
    @Awlex @johnmelodyme oh shit sounds pretty good, I'll try to do some scripting with it then. Not much of a script writer so if I could use elixir instead of bash that would be great
  • 1
    @matt-jd you can check that out in my GitHub tho.
  • 0
    Bash is love bash is life
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