
What I've learnt so far using git for the first time in a major project.

Git commit Suicide

  • 7
    Git commit -m "suicide"
  • 2
    Google "Hitler uses git":))
    Seriously though, its hairy and scary at first, but when you learn how to use it... Look for a good tutorial, the official doc is pretty cryptic
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    Once you get a workflow down, it makes your life so much easier. Maybe try using a visual version, like SourceTree at first to get used to the flow? I used to use the gitk command all the time when I first had to work with many branches.
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    @RubyTuesday That may be the very best high-level overview of git that I have ever seen.
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    Oh god i know the feeling OP

    I screwed things up a couple of times at the office when i joined as a junior dev with no git exp.

    Once i merged something to master by accident, i have no idea what i did now why didnt anybody spot it, a few months later a lot of weird shit started to happen, fixes would seem to have reverted , bugs came back, some bugs vanished again before you could fix em or even replicate them, the problem was getting exponentially worse as we kept on working

    In the end a senior dev sorted it out and threw an orange at me
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