I'm teaching myself ATM. I'm currently using freecodecamp, taking courses on Udemy, I have the books HTML & CSS and JavaScript & jQuery by Jon Duckett. Basically using as many of my free resources and catching classes when they're on sale.

I've also started a Meetup group for students and self learners like myself.

Any advice for me? Anyone want to mentor?

I'm really enjoying this learning process. And am positive I've found a career that I will actually love. I want

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    U have bliss stress reducer as a replacement for the devrant official stress ball ..... nice.
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    πŸ˜† ha I need that stress ball
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    Hey, what a coincidence! I'm using freeCodeCamp too and using Udemy and stuff myself.

    I'm actually a graphics designer who's looking forward to moving towards full-stack in the near future and fCC has been really fun to use.

    I'm a beginner myself so I can't mentor, obviously, but if you'd like we could maybe do collabs and use what we learn to make nifty things like Bootstrap things and stuff. Hit me up if you'd like to do pair programming or collab. :)
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    @theOverseer Hey! That's awesome we could definitely collaborate on some stuff together!
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    GL702 or GL502?
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    @DRHAX34 GL702V πŸ˜‹
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    @cozycodr yey! Same laptop! Are you happy with yours?
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    @DRHAX34 happy is an understatement!! I love it!! Although sometimes my trackpad seems to behave a little weird.. but maybe it's just me because I'd been using a mouse for so long before. But I'm stoked about it! Graphics, speed, speakers, how cool it's remains.. πŸ‘ŒπŸΎπŸ˜β€
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    @cozycodr trackpad glitches also happen to me. The rest I completely agree with you!!
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    @cozycodr also the included mouse is super awesome!
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    @theOverseer hey! I've been working on a project of my own. I followed you on github, would you mind taking a peek at my shitty code? πŸ˜†
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    @cozycodr Yeah, of course! I'd be more than happy to if it's within my skill set. :) And hey, I doubt it's shitty. I mean, have you -really- looked at my code? Lol
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    @theOverseer lol I haven't seen your code but I assure you I win the shitty code award πŸ˜‚

    And I my project is on Codepen
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    @cozycodr Hahaha your eyes are safe for now then! And would it be alright if you emailed your Codepen? My email address is basilmeer@gmail.com
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    @cozycodr count me in. I do full stack web/JS development. I'm Junior myself, but ive been at it for a year now on my own. I wanna have dev friends too :)
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    @DRHAX34 I thought I replied to your comment ages ago.. you got an included mouse??
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    @cozycodr Uhhh, yeah, came in the laptop's box. A Special Edition Not for Sale ROG Sica.
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    @DRHAX34 Didn't come with mine :/

    That's cool though!
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    @cozycodr Really? Cause at first I thought it didn't come with mine too, but then there was a little box at the side inside the laptop's box.
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