
Email (not a ticket) comes in this morning: "You need to make X change to y thing, yesterday!!" with of course the obligatory million + 1 Cc's including unrelated directors across multiple sites.

Me as my helpful self: I expected this request, I'll get it sorted asap

Director 1: *calls*
Me: I'm working on it

Manager: *calls*
Me: I'm working on it

Submitter: *calls*
Me: ignore

Director 2: *calls*
Me: I'm working on it


As a bonus rant, after implementing the change, manager calls and criticises my technical explanation to the submitter who I know is fully capable of understanding the way it was explained 😂

Happy Thursday!

  • 4
    say this to your boss ""If you keep calling me , I will make sure the task complete within next 24 hours, so enjoy your next 24 hours for this is your last 24 hours."

    with all seriousness i am just joking. :)
  • 0
    What is a Submitter? Why did you ignore?
  • 0
    @asgs the guy that sent the email in, if they're getting 99 people to chase me on something then I'll reply to them, no point replying to them as well, just let me finish the task then I'll update you when it's done 😂
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