Fuck Salesforce to oblivion and back. I hope all it's buildings, servers and backups fucking burn down. Never has there been anything more frustrating, confusing, over-fucking-complicated and over-fucking-glorified in all history.

  • 2
    Wtf you sayin'
    More than half of the world's devs will lost their projects made with days of hard work and love
  • 6
    hehehehehe, a new salesforce dev enters the realms of devrant ☺

    it gets easier.... well thats what i was told several years ago, how the fuck that was a lie!
    shit gets harder and then you start having 3rd party apps shoved on it and the rollercoaster flips you upside down while your seatbealt falls off.

    welcome to the salesforce path 🥰
  • 2
    @Eklavya I'm saying it fucking sucks. It's a piece of shit product that's trying to be and do too much at once, making itself slow and needlessly complicated to the brink of unusability. There's numerous more than a decade old bugs still very much unfixed and still very much impacting day-to-day work, but at the same time they keep pushing new features with every release. Fucking fix your shit first, and then expand later.
    I'll also never understand the cult-like praise of much of it's developers. Many praise it like it's some sort of a god. Most such people I've met have no fucking lives other than Salesforce, and they are okay with spending a week of their lives, on and off working hours, just to figure out how to do ONE fucking thing. Just stop. It's shit. And you're shit for putting up with it. It's not okay to spend a day to figure out that you need THIS fucking setting, instead of THAT one, which is named IDENTI-FUCKING-CALLY. Fucking Stockholm syndrome at its best.
  • 3
    @C0D4 I've been working as a SF dev for two years now. Started as an intern, so that's about 2,5 - 3 years in total. And I fucking hate every day of my fucking life. I want to flip a middle finger and just walk out the door, but this fucking corporate soul-sucking job leaves me so drained every day that I have no fucking time or energy for developing other coding skills to a decent enough level to get hired elsewhere. I'm just a pile of depressed misery by now, and see no other way to go than just to keep up with this shitfuckery until I prematurely die at age 29-and-a-fucking-half from stress and mental exhaustion.
  • 4
    I never used that product but I’ve added it to my people and things to kill list in your behalf
  • 1
    Pretty sure servicenow is up there with it…at least an honorable mention for slow, evil and hard to customize with dev. I admit salesforce wins in the overall category tho.
  • 1
    @atrabilious I mean, coding it is pretty much the same as coding anything else. (Apart from the odd "id <unknown> duplicates with record <unknown>" and other similarly "helpful" error messages...)
    It's declaratively customising the UI, permissions and data access, where the real nightmare starts. Cut down all the permissions for a user profile on a specific object, and it still can access all CRUD operations on that object and all it's fields. Spend a day to figure out that there are three other things that affect it, that make it wide open for everyone.
    But God forbid you forget to enable field level access for a profile, on an object, on a field that's a relationship field with another object. Even tho the other object is wide open, the user can't access the data on it, because in the custom fucking record page it's accessed through that relationship field which is disabled for this user, and SF just goes "no can do, here, have a query error"... I just want to vomit all day every day
  • 0
    And now they've fully acquired Vlocity and integrated it within Salesforce even more closely, under the naming Salesforce Industries.... Boy oh boy, I can't wait to see more bugs, more broken three-faced customisation, and more frustrating shit that's going to come out of this business partnership...
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