Laravel docker ports configuration sucks. There is no fucking documentation in fucking laravel docs how how to fucking configure ports. I have set wrong port, wrong host with my docker setup and it was just giving fucking stupid error where lot of stackoverflow solutions do not help. FInnaly I found the solution here https://stackoverflow.com/questions...
which finally helped. So the host needed to set to the mysql instead of fucking localhost - I had found this in another SO answer but it was not enough. How the fuck can I know. Why it is not written in documentation. https://laravel.com/docs/8.x/...

And then port - it was needed 3306 - how the fuck could I know that I need it instead of 3000 which I have set in docker setup? Wtf.

Finnally when I made query "laravel docker what mysql port to use"

then I found this stackoverflow answer. Why need to make things so hard?

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