
there's monolith web applications, what's the opposite of it called? the RESTful ones.

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    RESTful? It's the mixture of concepts you did here.
    I'd say an opposite to "monolith" is "polylith" or, in your case, micro-services.
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    What @vintprox said.

    Microservices are pretty standard inversion of monolithic architecture.
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    There is even O Reilly book
    For all fifty shades of gray in between
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    Worth noting that a micro service is just a subset of service orientated architecture. You can also have a modularised single solution which I don't believe we would call a monolith.
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    @Crost the book fifty shades of microservices is covering it too.
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    @vintprox so my backend API (golang) and frontend (vue) - is it microservice?
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    @minsomai no. Frontend is frontend.

    Backend is service oriented. Does your backend maintain multiple business processes? For example, does it perform; user management, sign up, data retention(file attachments), and other business related logic.

    If yes, congrats! You have a monolith!

    If your backend is built of multiple separate dedicated services that interact with each other through integrations and had dedicated databases(sometimes), then you have microservices!
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    @sariel thanks for the clarification. and I learnt that the correct term for my type of app is called RESTful architecture or N-layer architecture.
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