
I got the offer!!!!!!

  • 4
    Congrats if you found what you were looking for.
  • 3
  • 1
    Congratulations 🤝🎉

    Do tell us more
  • 2
    @asgs thanks.

    Well, it will be my first ever real dev job if I really get it, and also a chance for me to move out of my country. Now, I am excited and being paranoid at the same time that they will ghost me after I accepted the offer and also afraid that my skill might not meet their expectation as I never really work with other devs before. lol
  • 2
    @osq-ppp yeah, you are being paranoid, unless they are Frauds

    Also, don't worry about your Skillset. No one can match anybody else's expectations. It is going to be ok
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