When you figured out the algorithm, but it's O(n^n)

  • 5
    You've gotta try pretty hard to make something that bad...
  • 0
    @alwaysmpe i was parsing dot notation for multiple entries, `n` entries for `n` nested dots...

    but yeah, I tried to do that asap since that's not part of the scope, but an enhancement for some class that I wanted to do for my mental sanity and readability; but that complexity is shit LOL
  • -1
    @alwaysmpe N~2 algorithms are quite easy to write. It's just one for loop within another.
  • 2
    n^n=n*n*n... n times and usually requires recursion. n^2=n*n and is one for loop inside the other. These are two very different time complexities, the latter is feasible, the former not so much.

    Please learn the difference, both of you, it sounds like you're discussing the latter.
  • 0
    @alwaysmpe Oh yes, you're right. My bad, it's n^2 as you say.
  • 0
    I stand corrected, yes, didn't read that correctly.
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