
It was more of an inner rage.
A client's manager was trying to getting rid off of me as soon as he could(budget cutting from their client, but still), so he asked my team lead any negative or pity feedback on any issue or misunderstanding that I encountered during work and he was using that as an excuse to tell my agency that I should leave.

Fine, I thought. He's all hot raging air style guy, he can't stand someone that's fine with his character.

But after leaving (2 days earlier than said before even) and when I received the income next month I realised that something was off, and guess what?

That DEEPSHIT refused to pay 6 out of 12 last working days there. So my agency argued with them but can't do shit because they're the "paying client" and the negative sentiment was redirected at me, for making them almost loose that client because of my behaviour.

FUCK THAT PRICK, he touched where I was never touched in my career, stealing from my work and pokets!

What a clown world.

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    @rutee07 it's me vs both of them, I think I'm fine with not going the legal way and stress my life. But the second time I'm done with my agency if they can't look my back.
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