
What do you think about the people who says that HTML is a programming language? I saw it recently in my TL

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    I think that they just miss some good reasons for not thinking that.

    If in our team it is not clear to anyone I tell them that html is a dialect of xml. Xml is a format of defining data structures like json oder yml. Then I ask if they think that json is a programming language.

    For beginners I think it is important to unterstand the difference and most of the time when someone say that html is a programming language it is just because of lack of knowledge.
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    The problem is the word "program".

    Its interpretation in meaning is wildly different in different domains:


    I wonder if we should use the word compute instead for languages that actually compute based upon instructions.
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    @Demolishun Yep I agree with that. The problem is when they argue that it is as valid an opinion as that it is not a programming language but they can generate bad ideas for newbies
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    @Rozark I think anyone who works in computing will find out pretty quickly what a language can and cannot do.
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