Well this is true

  • 1
    Recruiters: but aren't they the same thing?
  • 4
    @eo2875 This happened to me once, that they (HR) argue ' javascript and Java is the same . I explained to them that these two are distinct and server different purposes , they came back to me with an excuse which quote "We can't hire you if you can't agree on what we believe on the technology our company had built. For years , we have been using javascript or java for the same purpose , and our experts can confirm 100% both are the same. "

    I was Like "what"? I reject the offer and they labelled me as arrogant and not flexible.

    I just can't reasoning with these people.
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    Dart does seem like a well designed (high level(m) language though.
    I never worked with flutter but the dart language itself seemed really solid to me.
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    @johnmelodyme I'm gonna bet they didn't ask their experts and just handed out this response to not feel stupid
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    @LotsOfCaffeine Yeap and also I felt that if their experts are this stupid can't differentiate the distinction between Java and JavaScript taught me learnt that this company is a complete shit show I would say .
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