According to many of the rant posts, I am not a programmer.

I wake up 8 in the morning, eat breakfast at home and then get to the office at 9. Work till noon and then enough 1 hour lunch, back from lunch work till like 6-7 pm, have dinner at office then head to the gym workout for an hour to an hour and half and then head home, shower and sleep at 11:59 pm.

  • 0
    I think senior developer
  • 10
    No point in literally killing ourselves for the good of the company. Well done you for bringing some professionalism to the profession.
  • 1
    Wait, you go to the gym right after dinner? Are you just walking on the thread mill?
  • 0
    @norman70688 @sam9669 no, I wish. I'm kind of like a lead, but I code too. I just can't code well at night. I did code at 2am few times because I couldn't sleep. I didn't like it.
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    @jirehstudios lol not right away, I also wash the dishes, number 2, clean my desk, keyboard and mouse and some OCD stuffs before drive to the gym.
  • 0
    Does sound like PM.
  • 0
    Ditto. I'm a morning person too! I tackle the biggest tasks in the morning but productivity decreases at the end of day. Cheers!
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