
Alright, biiiiig rant time.

Shitty webdevs who randomly use an entire framework for some tiny feature in the middle of their codebase because they couldn't figure out how to do it with native and completely fucking up their syntax, consistency and standards set beforehand (not that there were any to begin with, this dude program'sā€‹ like 3-4 people just jumbled all their crap into one massive pile).
Not only that but throughout the entire backend this guy flip-flops on passing an the error value before results in his callbacks, so now i have to check his functions everytime I use them after spending 2-3 sessions debugging to figure out wtf was going wrong.

Please for the love of god, if you wanna dance to your own beat, LEAVE COMMENTS

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    @xp-bar preach it šŸ™Œ
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    @xp-bar im sorry i can only ++ once, preach like you never preached before. šŸ™šŸ™šŸ‘šŸ‘
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    @fhaxha @GeaRSiX for real tho! if you can't make it in vanilla, learn it haha :D that's my philosophy. It's more fun, and more beneficial imo - amiright
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