A friend who just got into ML recently.

"Dude, did you know how amazing ML is??"
"I'm training a computer to give out outputs, basic AI dude"
"Dude logistic regression is the shizz"
"You heard about backprop mate?"
"ANN is the next big thing. I'm currently working on one of the biggest AI project now"

So I casually ask him whether he completely his project or not. He proudly showed me a 9 lined code he copy pasted from Google (search for neural network in 9 lines) and said, "Dude I trained my laptop with some advanced AI techniques to give out the perfect XOR outputs"

He rounded off values like 0.99 to 1 and 0.02 to 0 to make it look perfect.


  • 0
    So he just rounded off random numbers and calls it ML , !AWESOME
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