
I connected oven to wifi using application on my phone but application on my phone didn’t connected to oven.
So now I need to disconnect oven from wifi to connect oven to my phone.
I connected dishwasher last month, first I needed to take a photo of qr code and send it to my laptop to be able to scan it cause it was to small and dishwasher app didn’t recognized it. Looks like dishwasher decided to disconnect from wifi this week so I need to repeat the whole process again.
I also bought connected washing machine and fridge but I think I will try to connect them next month when I manage hopefully to connect my oven.
Seriously home appliances iot is complete shit. Looks like there is no wide known standard of establishing connection so everyone is doing it on it’s own. All this security procedures to connect something to your local network are crap. I hope oven won’t disconnect from wifi.

  • 2
    I can’t remove dishwasher to connect dishwasher :/
  • 4
    First world problems, haha. Jokes aside, home appliance IOT is total garbage. Have to agree on that. I wonder when and how will this change.
  • 2
    Did you try turning it off and on again 😅
  • 2
    @yehaaw probably when someone creates some open source aggregator that would hack device protocols and allow to connect and manage them with simple ui, I have devices from 3 vendors so I can reverse engineer a little but at the same point I don’t have much time to do so.
    The biggest problem are not the devices but the crap that is inside mobile apps. ex I fucking can’t add oven cause I need to pick a name and got error.
  • 0
    @C0D4 I tried that :/
  • 3
    Yet another reason to completely avoid home appliance IoT. I don't need a smart oven if a dumb one can still cook things.
  • 1
    Why do you even need such appliances in the first place? What's wrong with a normal one?
  • 1
    It connects direct to your phone? Not via a bridge?
  • 0
    The only IoT device in my kitchen is a radio which is supposed to play radio stations, spotify and serve as a bluetooth speaker. The sound is nice, but the software is crappy and often fails to work. The app cosumes a lot of memory and requires to update often. Such a source of frustration!

    I am very sure that this will be the first and the last "IoT" bullshit in my home!
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    @ojt-rant oven like most appliances have it’s own wifi but it have not keyboard so app is used to establish connection between your wifi and oven wifi - basically type wifi password
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    @iiii well premium oven can help you cook better, ex it can steam cook or help you with baking bread, cook eggs and stuff like that
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    @vane all that is merely "set the correct temperature and the correct timer". No wifi required
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    @iiii Basically yes if you want to go to oven and start it. But this is so previous century :)
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    @vane lazy motherfuckers 😱
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    @iiii laziness is driving innovation
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    I choose a lazy person to do a hard job. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it.

    Bill Gates

    Professor John Atanasoff, along with graduate student Clifford Berry, built the world’s first electronic-digital computer back in the late 1930’s. Why did he do this? He said, “I was too lazy to calculate and so I invented the computer.”
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