
The web dev front-end world is insane!!

webpack, babel, node, npm, sass, css, postcss, javascript, cypress etc etc.

It should be easier and easier to build web apps NOT harder and harder for each year!

  • 1
    But in JavaScript Not invented here is strong...

    So. No.

    Deal with a new framework being shat out every second.
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    I disagree. The harder it is the better it's paid.
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    This is so true. I used to think front end might be something for me, but oh boy was I wrong
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    Just use some framework on frameworks. Something like sveltekit/nextjs. People are moving all backend logic to frontend these days
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    All that just because browsers don't natively support JSX yet, in future, they will, and JSX will be the new HTML.
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    There is. Its called custom elements. :)
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    @arekxv That's Not Same, JSX can have components and attributes can contain expressions.
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    @theabbie Like it or not. Its what we will get though. JSX is syntactic sugar for function calls. There is not a real reason to add JSX to the standard while that exists and even if they do decide there would be a huge debate about HOW to implement it correctly. I wouldn't hold my breath though.
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    I think it's getting better a few frameworks have been around for a while and even those are getting more and more similar
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    Come with me to the dark side with Blazor and c#.

    We don't have all that non sens.
    We have CSS Isolation
    We have automatic CSS bundling
    We have deep or scoped css.
    And we have c#

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    @NoToJavaScript Blazor WebAssembly is awesome :)
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    With all these tools, frameworks on frameworks, compilers on compilers etc for just the front i cannot understand the concept of "junior fullstack developer".

    Seems like creating a character in Diablo that is both a magician and a warrior and then you have to give up at level 3...
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    @theabbie React relies on a custom virtual dom. Meanwhile I don't want to see that added to Chromium unless you pay my RAM
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