Who all prefer "No Friday Deployments?"

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    Meant to say I do not prefer them on Friday.
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    I hate having work hanging over my head on weekends. I vote Staging and QA Friday's though over deployment Friday's. Deployment is better on Monday when everybody gets back to the office.
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    I prefer monkey patching on production only if it's very critical bug and can't wait till Monday.
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    We only release on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
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    Yep. It's one of the first principles I try and implement at any companies I contract to. And an effective enforcement tool is for the whole dev team to go to a looooong Friday lunch at the pub.

    After all, for most people, Close Of Business Friday = Open Of Business Monday.
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    I set up the policy because very bad stuff was being deployed on Fridays. and no one cared because they just wanted to start their binge drinking early leaving me to fix their shit that broke prod over the weekend...needless to say, I still get forced to let it slide..but then demanded that I fix it when it does break!
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