
New Marketing Person: [via slack] Hey! I left a comment on the JIRA ticket. I didn’t know how to tag you so I’m messaging you here to make sure you see it.

Me: [slack] Ok, thanks for letting me know. It works the same way it does in slack. Type “@“ followed by a name.

Me: [inner monologue] πŸ™„ You could have also just Googled it instead of expending energy and time on this slack exchange.

Same person leaves another JIRA comment later… and doesn’t tag me…Why do I even bother to be helpful…

  • 4
    They don't want to tag you because a dm gets a reply faster. It's a microaggression and it's perfectly fine to just copy-paste the initial message explaining how tagging works everytime they should've tagged.
  • 1
    @lbfalvy Oh yeah definitely. I can’t stand petty ppl like this. They didn’t even slack me the next time. So I def think they were hoping I wouldn’t see their comment so I could get in trouble. But I’m one of those anal devs who keeps all their JIRA notifications on. It’s annoying getting all these emails but I have to protect myself against ppl trying a power play.
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