How do you deal with the learning curve frustration?
So, as a software developers we need to learn things frequently. But when we start, we have a lot of things to cover before we call ourselves average on that subject. Before this stage, there is a lot of frustration, stress, anxiety etc. How do you people handle it?

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    This was my experience learning nuxtjs (vue js framework)
    First I made a simple website in English.
    Later, marketing asked to make a French version.

    It was a plain html bootstrap thing and not really challenging.
    Then I started looking at single-page web apps.
    First checked Angular, React and Vue.

    Finally Vuejs was the one I understood with very little time.
    Started messing around with it, making test apps. Reading tutorials.

    Now I have a Nuxtjs website, fully customizable if an other language is needed, responsive, single-page.

    It was not needed as a requirement, but for me it was also to learn something new. That is how I mostly start stuff.
    Sometimes there is some frustration, but then I set the project aside, and come back when my mind is clear.
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    What I hear is you probably kno more than you think

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    I will downvote anyone who mentions that syndrome.
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    @atheist I'm asking out of curiosity, that frustration is always there. I try to deal with it ny simply thia technique:
    If underthinking: read to get more understanding
    If Overthinking: write to simplify

    I say to myself, that it's the start and I need to sit with the subject to understand it better.

    That's how I have been dealing with it .
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    Hmm. I don't deal with that at all. This is the first time I ever heard of such a concept as learning curve frustration. When I learn a new thing then I just kinda... learn a new thing... Or rather I just start using it as if I already understand it and just google my way through it and the empty spots get filled automatically...

    For example I'm working a job now where I need to learn a new SaaS platform frequently and it's sometimes a completely new world of information. But I just take the little I know, I got a task to do.. so I just start doing it and at every point when I don't know how X works or how to do X and so on, I turn to google or the docs, read up, and continue...

    Same for learning on my own, outside of work... Another example is that when I learned Kotlin, I started with a hello world, that worked, and then I started making a Genetic Algorithm project in it, because that's something I understand and I just had to make it in a new language... that's all
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    So I guess my advice would be to not think about new stuff as new stuff... just think of it as stuff that needs to be done and if someone asks for an estimation just openly say that you don't have experience with it, so it's either a Spike estimation, or if it's something familiar, just using a new system, take the estimation it would take you if you were working on the same task with only familiar tech, and add a couple of days, maybe like 50% more for learning along the way.

    I think the most important thing is that you're already a dev and you're already thinking like a dev... so new tech is rarely going to be so *alien* that you couldn't learn it just by doing it
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