
Is anyone using a yubikey or any other hardware key device at work?
How is your experience when using it and what types of accounts are secured with it?

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    It works, for a list of accounts see https://www.dongleauth.info/

    As the Yubikey implements both a PIV and OpenPGP smartcard, you can use it for device and SSH login as well.
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    the customers of the company im working at are using 2fa. For us who work for it 2fa means office.com 2fa
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    The customer our team are writing with have integrated the Yubikey into AD as well. That means we can log into our cloud servers using a pin and then the Yubikey (as a single password) and it's a lot faster than the 2FA login for other systems. I don't have any complaints about it and if you have an on the go adaptor for your phone, you can even use it there. Physically, it's small and strong enough to attach to your set of house keys so that also helps.
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    @L33tCh Are you using them as a smartcard or for Hello for Business?
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    @sbiewald sorry, long delayed response... But not, a custom script which essentially allows an 8 hourly rotating password to be used on your active directory account, but with log in simplified with a pin and the Yubikey which the system uses to hook your accounts currently active password into the login process. If course we can also log into the password system to get the current issues and how much longer it will be active if need be as well.
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