
Been a hot minute since I posted so let's get back into it!

Holy fuck developing on windows is so verbose and horrible!

I've been spoiled by using Meson on Linux and MacOS, going to visual studio to port my code is one of the most horrible experiences I have had with programming .-.

Why do people like visual studio so much, give me meson and vs code any day!!!

  • 1
    Vs is old and vsc and meson are pretty new
  • 0
    @stop but even running vs2019 feels horrible, I would have thought they would try to keep things up to date but it doesn't feel designed for modern development
  • 2
    What's bad about vs? I quite like how well integrated it is, especially the debugger.
  • 0
    @RememberMe it just feels sluggish and old, doesn't feel as speedy and modern compared to other editors.

    The only thing I wish vs code had was CPU and RAM utilisation graphs during debugging
  • 0
    Depends what kind of project/programming language you work on... If you work with. Net VS is the beste IDE I ever used, takes few seconds to start, but it's something you do it only at begin of the day... At the end of the day it saves me hours thanks to its intellisense, refactoring and debug tools.

    And than same people that complains about vs use and develop slow and heavy web apps that use 500mb of ram for nothing
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