
Boss: not upgrading Angular v1 or rewriting everything on the modern tech stack.

But we need to resolve all the security issues we're getting flagged on.


  • 5
    A don’t worry, once your obsolete enough there won’t be any attacks, no one will want to touch your site ;)
  • 1
    @Voxera yes and he winners why do many people quit..

    The ones that left were the most tech savvy.

    I would've too but I'm stuck for other reasons...

    And I'm other news, the autocorrect on the Pixel 6 sucks...
  • 0
    @donuts auto correct suck period.

    I turned of iphone’s auto correct within a week and have never turned it on again.
  • 1
    @Voxera well it's more predictive for swipe typing... But send worse than my 4a...

    And they didn't have this Tensor AI thing that I basically paid $300 for
  • 1
    @donuts even with AI, the fact that I regularly mix swedish and english, use work specific words and similar things it does not know about and since it cannot read my mind I doubt it will ever get good enough to have me turn any auto correct on ;)

    But I take better suggestions any day :D
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